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BD\Xenogears Original Soundtrack Revival Disc -the first and the last- [BD 720p Ma10 x265 AAC] [3C178986] .mkv2.84GB
Scans\01 .jpg2.43MB
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Scans\Xenogears _H1 .jpg3.35MB
01 . 冥き黎明/Dark Dawn .mp311.72MB
03 . 海と炎の絆/Bond of Sea and Flame .mp37.4MB
04 . おらが村は世界一/Village Pride .mp39.54MB
05 . 風のうまれる谷/Wind from the Valley .mp36.05MB
06 . 遠い約束/A Distant Promise .mp34.46MB
07 . 予兆/Premonition .mp3787.09KB
08 . 鋼の巨人/Steel Giants .mp35.88MB
09 . 黒月の森/The Blackmoon Forest .mp39.49MB
10 . 夢の卵の孵るところ/Where Dreams Hatch .mp37.19MB
11 . まどろみ (ショートバージョン)/Doze (Short Version) .mp3543.39KB
12 . 熱砂の街ダジル/Desert City Dazil .mp38.12MB
13 . 憧憬/Adoration .mp37.42MB
14 . グラーフ 闇の覇者/Grahf -Ruler of Darkness- .mp38.99MB
15 . 導火線/Fuse .mp36.06MB
16 . つわものどもが夢のあと/Dreams of the Brave .mp311.98MB
17 . 盗めない宝石/Intangible Treasure .mp38.08MB
18 . アヴェ いにしえの舞/Ancient Dance of Aveh .mp34.46MB
19 . 侵入/Infiltration .mp37.57MB
20 . 死の舞踏/Deadly Dance .mp36.28MB
21 . 暗き眠りに . . . . . ./Dark Slumber .mp31.14MB
22 . やさしい風がうたう/Windy Song .mp39.75MB
23 . 傷もてるわれら 光のなかを進まん/We Wounded Follow the Light .mp34.65MB
24 . lost . . . きしんだ かけら/Lost . . . -Screeching Shards- .mp32.71MB
25 . タムズ 海の男の心意気/The Thames -Men of the Sea- .mp38.98MB
26 . 蒼き旅人/Blue Traveler .mp37.56MB
27 . 悔恨と安らぎの檻にて/Cage of Remorse and Relief .mp36.39MB
28 . 氷の顎/Icy Chin .mp36.83MB
29 . 紅蓮の騎士/Blazing Knights .mp36.42MB
30 . 神無月の人魚/October Mermaid .mp310.42MB
31 . 風が呼ぶ、蒼穹のシェバト/Shevat -The Wind Calls- .mp311.22MB
32 . 大空と雲ときみと/With the Sky, the Clouds, and You .mp38.28MB
33 . 夜空一杯の星を集めて/Gather Up the Night Stars .mp36.15MB
34 . 星の涙、人の想い /Earthly Tears, Mortal Thoughts .mp37.26MB
35 . 飛翔/Soaring .mp38.42MB
36 . 翼/Wings .mp35.59MB
37 . 天上の楽園ソラリス/Solaris -Supernal Paradise- .mp38.75MB
38 . まどろみ (ロングバージョン)/Doze (Long Version) .mp3785.26KB
39 . 引き裂かれしもの /Torn .mp311.92MB
40 . 祈り、人の望みの喜びよ/Prayers -The Joy of Hope- .mp38.04MB
41 . 予感/Foreboding .mp311.54MB
42 . 覚醒/Awakening .mp310.25MB
43 . 神に牙むくもの/Fangs Bared at God .mp314.15MB
44 . 最先(いやさき)と最後(いやはて)/The Beginning and the End .mp310.77MB
45 . SMALL TWO OF PIECES ~軋んだ破片(かけら)~/Small Two of Pieces -Screeching Shards- .mp314.84MB
46 . We, the Wounded Shall Advance into the Light (Revival Version) .mp39.22MB
47 . Memories Left Behind (Revival Version) .mp38.7MB
48 . The End of Childhood (Revival Version) .mp39.52MB
49 . The Beginning and the End (Revival Version) .mp310.18MB